Do you need good grades to be a Media Celebrity?

Growing up I heard over and over again, go to school and get good grades.  My parents, my relatives, they all told me this and it still seems to be the standard advice given on how to have a successful life.

Grades do have their place and are beneficial.  To get accepted into a quality college, you will need to have good grades.  Receiving scholarships and other financial aid to go to college is of the utmost importance. However, to be successful in broadcasting and media, grades are secondary. I've been in this business for more than 17 years, worked at four different companies, and my GPA or 'How did you do in school?' has never came up.

Now, before you start to assume I was a bad student, I most certainly was not.  In high school, my GPA was well over 4.0 and I graduated summa cum laude from Temple University (Go Owls!).

My point is that when you apply for a broadcasting job, they want to know how well you will perform in front of the camera.  This is completely different than graduating with a high GPA.

Hard work and honing your skills will be what determines the longevity of your career as a reporter or host.  

No matter where you are currently, always give your best effort because the work habits you have now will be key in helping you to climb the ladder later.  Don't beat yourself up if your grades aren't great.  Being summa cum laude had no bearings on my salary when I was hired. The time you put in to be better on YouTube, TV or another platform will be the driving factor.


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