Fake News

Fake news has become a popular phrase in the media. It refers to deliberate misinformation.  As a journalist, accuracy should be of the utmost importance. As you continue to develop and work towards getting a job in the media, understand that getting the story right should be the priority over putting the story out first.

In this day and age of social media, so many people want to be the first to report a piece of information but haven't checked to make sure the information is accurate.  As a broadcaster in front of the camera, if you read something that is not accurate over the air, YOU are the one who looks bad and it tarnishes your credibility.

The viewers don't take into account a producer might have passed along this information and you were just reading it.  The words will have come out of your mouth.

When someone gives you information, do your best to make sure they've verified it.  As a reporter, if you get a tip on some inside information, you need to make attempts to confirm it from another source.  People leak false information for many different reasons.  As a reporter, you must remain an unbiased source of information. You don't want to be used by a politician or an agent.

Being a credible journalist goes a long way!  Always remember to check dates, statistics and other pieces of information.  Accuracy is everything.  Once you develop a label as someone who gives incorrect information it can be hard to shake.

If you are considering a career in journalism or media check out my book How to Become a Broadcasting Star!  It is full of tips and detailed information on how to build a solid foundation in journalism and ultimately get the job of your dreams.


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